Sunday, February 3, 2008

Craft Lesson 3

Resource Material:

Wong, Janet. Minn and Jake. New York: Farrar, 2003.

Target Audience:

4th Grade


Minn and Jake by Janet Wong explores the complexities of a developing friendship between 5th graders, Minn and Jake. This theme of friendship can be peeled away like an onion exposing several layers of depth. Students' background experiences with friendships and personal maturity will surely influence their reflections of this piece of literature. This craft lesson takes into account these differences and provides for a variety of personal writing preferences.

How to Teach It:

After reading Minn and Jake independently, form small groups for the students to briefly share their thoughts and feelings about the story. Bring the entire class together for a grand conversation for further reflection. Offer the following choices for a written reflection paper:

  1. Chose a purpose*: to inform, to influence, to express, or to entertain
  2. Chose a form*: narrative, poem, instructions, or review
  3. Choose a topic: The topic choices would depend on the grand conversation, but might include peer pressure, Minn and Jake's summer, bullies, making friends, etc.

Allow students a day or two in writing workshop to develop a first draft. On Day 3, form small groups again for a peer revising session before beginning work on the final draft. Papers should be handed in on Day 4.

*This lesson would be one of several designed to prepare for TAKS testing. Students will be expected to choose each purpose and each form at least once over the course of the year. The manner in which students combine purpose and form provides a measure of creative license for the students.

1 comment:

Lacee E. Jones said...

I like that you incorporated this into something to practice for the TAKS!